Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Diversified Cropping System and Cover Crop Tours
Lincoln, Neb. – University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension Organic Farm Tours will be Saturday, Aug. 16th
Learn how to increase your soil health by incorporating cover crops into your cropping system. The tours will start at 1:30 p.m. at Larry Stanislav's farm two miles north of Abie, Neb. Participants will join Larry Stanislav, to discuss his diverse cropping system of spring wheat, corn, soybean and cover crops. Learn how Stanislav has reduced tillage and managed weeds using a roller crimper and flamer. Stanislav has participated in a Ceres Trust Grant to incorporate a roller crimper into his cropping system.
Starting 3:30 pm participants will tour Randy Fendrich's farm. Fendrich also participated in the grant. He will discuss his cultural practices and crop rotation using a roller crimper and a 12 row flamer/cultivator that he built himself for weed control. At 4:30 pm Randy Anderson, USDA-ARS research agronomist at the North Central Agricultural Research Laboratory in Brookings, S.D., will present an update on his research findings. Anderson, a weed ecologist, will discuss the goal of his research program to develop a continuous no-till cropping system for organic producers. He will present results on converting red clover fields to cropland without tillage and describe the impact of underseeding clovers in winter and spring wheat on downy brome growth.
Producers will learn how to minimize the need for tillage to control weeds and how a system based on winter-killed cover crops can control weeds adequately to grow no-till. Though this is focused on organic producers, any producer wanting to decrease input costs will find this information useful.
Anderson’s research focuses on reducing the need for weed management inputs by understanding the aspects of weed population dynamics. He developed a population-based approach to weed management that reduced input costs for weed management 50 percent compared to conventional practices. He looks at the benefit of crop diversity and crop sequences that are synergistic and improve growth efficiency of the following crop, thus crop yield can increase without needing to increase resource inputs such as fertilizer or water. He has observed that tolerance to weed interference is greater with synergistic sequences, thus possibly reducing the need for herbicides.
Producers using no-till rotations can learn more about how continuous no-till rotations can improve land productivity, farm economics, soil health and resource-use-efficiency in the Great Plains.
Afterward a free dinner provided by the Fendrich Family will be served at 5 p.m. Reservations are needed. Please call Wendy at 402-584-3837 to RSVP or for more information about the tour or directions.
Source: Charles Shapiro, UNL Soil Scientist – Crop Nutrition, (402)-584-3803, cshapiro@unl.edu
Monday, July 28, 2014
Weekly Events & Opportunities in Sustainable Farming & Foods
Nebraska Young Farmer Night at CROPS
Final YFN of July! July 29th. 6pm. Calling all Young Farmers or the young at heart, or those interested in farming! We are having a young farmers' night, part of the Nebraska Sustainable Agriculture Society Series, at the Community Crops training farm. How to get to Prairie Pines (3130 N 112th St) : Take Adams St. east to 112th. Turn left at 112th St. Turn right into the driveway marked 3130. At the white barn you will turn left. Park in the gravel parking lot. Let us know if you have any questions! More details, https://www.facebook.com/events/300005086845519/
July 28th. 6pm. Omaha. Watch and discuss a great animated video. Hear from local farmers and food advocates. Learn about alternatives to industrial agriculture. Sample local foods and find out how to purchase them. FREE . Coffee and snack provided. RSVPjnickerson@humanesociety.org or @ https://www.facebook.com/events/293194364192967/
Legal and Financial Clinic
Monday, July 28. Norfolk. Call the Farm Hotline at 800-464-0258 to sign up
Manure Demonstration Day
Tuesday, July 29. Lexington. Participants can view vendors, demonstrations and will have opportunities to learn more about manure management and handling. See http://water.unl.edu/manure/nebraskamanuredemo for more info
Grassfed Rising: Polishing the Soil-Grass-Consumer Connection
July 30 - August 1. Columbia, Missouri. The Grassfed Exchange presents this event to help producers grow in knowledge of the grassfed industry and in finishing cattle specifically. The conference includes one day of pasture walk tours at the ranches of Greg Judy and Luke Linnenbringer and two days full of presentations to help attendees improve their skills and operations. Speakers include Don Huber, Fred Provenza, Paul Brown, and others. http://www.grassfedexchange.com/
Food Hubs
July 31. Online. This webinar is part of a series of free monthly webinars offered by food and agriculture marketing experts from Ohio State University's College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences. This session is presented by Tom Snyder, manager of OSU South Center's Ohio Cooperative Development Center. http://www.oardc.osu.edu/7396/Monthly-Webinars-to-Help- Growers-and-Producers-Enhance- Marketing-Improve-and-Expand- Sales.htm
From Recipe to Reality
Friday, August 1. Lincoln. For anyone interested in exploring the idea of starting a food manufacturing business. Lincoln. Seebit.ly/Vk0mPG for more info.
Earthen Oven Workshop
August 1st. Come spend the weekend playing in the mud and learning to use the earth from under your feet to create art and architecture. This will be an introduction to cob and it's many uses. Topics covered will include stone stacking foundations, earthen structural mixes, clay plasters and the principles of wood firing. Complete details,https://www.facebook.com/events/549129431863343/
Keep Your Garden Producing All Fall
Saturday, August 2, 10 am - 12pm. Extend your growing season and enjoy the benefits of garden-fresh greens, root crops, and other vegetables well into the fall and even winter.This class will be hosted through SCC's continuing education program for a $10 fee, to register click here, https://www.southeast.edu/Continuing/ Keyword:Garden. Class will be held at Antelope Church of the Brethren 3645 Sumner Street, Lincoln
Bean Walkers
I am trying to find bean walkers to weed about 100 acres of transitioning soy bean fields. It will be 2 or 3 weeks before I need them because the beans were replanted on about June 24th after 2 hails.The fields are just south of Utica. I can be emailed or called at 402-617-1718,cherylrrichter@gmail.com . Thanks, Cheryl Richter
2014 Organic Farmer Seed Survey
The purpose of this survey is to better assess certified organic crop producers’ attitudes and perceptions regarding organic seed. The purpose is also to understand producers’ current use of organic seed and any obstacles that restrict organic seed sourcing. Producers should be prepared to offer best estimates on their organic seed usage or have their seed records on hand. The survey also asks which crops and traits should be prioritized through organic plant breeding programs. If you are a certified organic crop producer, please take ten minutes to respond to this survey. Your responses are voluntary and will be held confidential. Your responses will not be identified by individual or farm. All responses will be compiled and analyzed as a group. https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/QQ73TMW
Sweet Corn Opportunity
An Omaha bakery is looking to bake a bread using sweet corn as an ingredient. For more information please contact Erik @johnsonhillfarm@yahoo.com
Seedlings Needed
We recently lost about 150 (total) cabbage and cauliflower seedlings that were planted for fall harvest. User error I am sure. I am asking around to see if anyone has some extra cauliflower, cabbage or even broccoli seedlings they are interested in getting rid of at a fair price. We have broccoli, kale and kohlrabi in already. If you have any other ideas, I would welcome suggestions. We grow in Waverly and Omaha, so anything in either vicinity would be helpful. Alton, altonemitchell@gmail.com
Human Resource Needs of Small Farms
Fellow NSAS Members, I am working with a couple other Extension Educators on developing educational materials/programs to help small to medium sized farmers/ranchers manage their human resource risks. We are seeking to better understand the human resource education needs of Nebraska’s growing small and medium scale agricultural businesses in order to develop programming and materials to meet these needs. To do this we are conducting an online survey to determine what human resource topics are important to Nebraska’s farmers/ranchers and to learn what delivery methods (in person, online, etc.) are preferred. We would greatly appreciate it if you took a few minutes to complete the online survey at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/AgHRMangSurvey. The survey should take approximately 10 – 15 minutes to complete, you must be at least 19 years old to participate, and participation is entirely voluntary. If you have any questions regarding this questionnaire please feel free to contact me Jessica, (jjones12@unl.edu or 402-335- 3669).
Exchange student interested in sustainability
My name is Andrea Lundberg, and I work with a non-profit called the Aspect Foundation. As part of the State Department’s public diplomacy mission, we place exchange students with host families. I’m the local coordinator for the Lincoln/Omaha area. I was hoping you might know of a family who might be interested in hosting a young lady from Belgium, Nora. Nora is very active with an organization called Projet Comenius, which works on fair trade and sustainability initiatives. Hosts provide three meals a day and transportation to the local high school. Please feel free to call me at 402-499-9031 or email me with any questions! Below is a lInk to Nora’s profile:
Heritage Chickens
I am looking for heritage chicken producers in Nebraska that might be willing to sell me live birds that I can butcher myself. I am looking to buy young heritage birds but would be most interested in buying a mix of young and old birds. I live in Kearney and am either looking to process in Grand Island or near North Platte so if I can find a farmer in central Nebraska that would be optimal. Jed, yadidyamg@gmail.com
Exploring Possibilities with a Moveable High Tunnel
August 3. Atlantic, Iowa. Practical Farmers of Iowa presents this afternoon field day at Rolling Acres Farm. Explore the possibilities that a movable high tunnel can provide for extended season production. The field day will also discuss on-going research trials, including methods for weed control in asparagus and improving soil fertility using worm castings. http://practicalfarmers.org/news-events/events/
USDA Grass Fed Program for Small and Very Small Producers Webinar
August 5. Online. USDA Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) has announced a webinar about the USDA Grass Fed Program for Small and Very Small Producers. The webinar will provide an overview of the USDA Grass Fed program, website, and detailed information about the application (including how to apply), and evaluation process for gaining approval for the livestock to the Grass Fed Standard. The presentation will be followed by a Question and Answer period. This is a one-hour, listen-only webinar. The webinar will be recorded, and a link will be posted online for those who would like to listen in at a later date. http://www.ams.usda.gov/AMSv1.0/getfile?dDocName= STELPRDC5108408
Feast on the Farm
Saturday, August 9, 2014, 5:00-8:30pm. Prairie Pines, 112th and Adams. Must be 21 or older to attend. Enjoy an evening on a beautiful, sustainable farm, and help Community Crops grow! For details and tickets visit, http://www.communitycrops.org/farmdinner
Monday, July 21, 2014
Weekly Events & Opportunities in Sustainable Farming & Foods
YFN @ Paradise in Progress Farm
July 22nd. 6pm. Fort Calhoun. Join the Nebraska Sustainable Agriculture Society as our Nebraska Young Farmer Night series visits Fort Calhoun and Paradise in Progress Farms owned by Ben & Michelle Godfrey. PIP Farms, on the outskirts of Fort Calhoun, NE, raises primarily free-range pastured pigs using rotational grazing and permaculture design principles to maximize land use and efficiency while minimizing effort and expense. Our goal is to produce the finest pork from the happiest, healthiest pigs with the least work while having the most fun. We partner with several local businesses to supplement the pigs’ diet with redirected landfill-bound pre-consumer food-waste with the triple goal of improving herd nutrition, soil tilth and the sustainability of the greater Omaha area. For details, directions and to rsvp please visit, https://www.facebook.com/events/1437621603192424/? notif_t=plan_user_joined
Tuesday, July 22 at 11:00 am. Link: https://connect.extension.iastate.edu/ womeninag. Mid-Summer is a great time to change up your farm market booth displays to draw in more customers. Join University of Vermont Extension Community Economic Development Specialist Mary Peabody for practical tips on low-cost ways to create eye-catching displays that encourage sales. This 30-minute webinar starts at noon Eastern Time.
Energy Analysis: Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How?
July 24. Online. This free webinar is part of a series of energy webinars presented by the USDA NRCS East National Technology Support Center. http://www.conservationwebinars.net
Choosing Appropriate Technology to Run Your Good Food Business
July 24. This free National Good Food Network webinar will give you the tools to perform an accurate analysis of your business technology needs. Although the presentation will focus on food hubs (arguably one of the more complicated Good Food businesses, as a "middle man" interacting with all pieces of the food system), the same theories apply to all businesses. https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/813255322
Midwest Conference for Farmer Veterans
July 25-26. Des Moines, Iowa. Join other veterans for networking and learning about unique opportunities, programs, and jobs available to military veterans and service members who are farming, aspiring to farm, or seeking agricultural related careers. Day One of the conference will feature tours of diverse working farms and provide a chance to interact with other farmers and veterans. Day Two will focus on educational presentations and workshops led by agricultural experts, agency personnel, and veteran service providers. The conference is hosted by the Farmer Veteran Coalition of Iowa and Drake University. Support also is provided by the USDA and Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture. http://www.leopold.iastate.edu/news/ calendar/2014-07-25/midwest- conference-farmer-veterans
Nebraska Moth Night
Saturday, July 26th. 7:00 pm-9:00 pm. Join us for the third annual Nebraska Moth Night at Spring Creek Prairie Audubon Center, part of National Moth Week. There will be interactive, family-friendly displays and activities before night falls and various stations to attract moths after dark. Faculty members and students from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln entomology department will be on hand to help identify moths and make sure that everyone who attends experiences the fun of mothing! A donation of $5/family is suggested. For more information, contact Andy Matz, theandymatz@gmail.com, University of Nebraska Insect Science Club.
Sweet Corn Opportunity
An Omaha bakery is looking to bake a bread using sweet corn as an ingredient. For more information please contact Erik @johnsonhillfarm@yahoo.com
Seedlings Needed
We recently lost about 150 (total) cabbage and cauliflower seedlings that were planted for fall harvest. User error I am sure. I am asking around to see if anyone has some extra cauliflower, cabbage or even broccoli seedlings they are interested in getting rid of at a fair price. We have broccoli, kale and kohlrabi in already. If you have any other ideas, I would welcome suggestions. We grow in Waverly and Omaha, so anything in either vicinity would be helpful. Alton, altonemitchell@gmail.com
Human Resource Needs of Small Farms
Fellow NSAS Members, I am working with a couple other Extension Educators on developing educational materials/programs to help small to medium sized farmers/ranchers manage their human resource risks. We are seeking to better understand the human resource education needs of Nebraska’s growing small and medium scale agricultural businesses in order to develop programming and materials to meet these needs. To do this we are conducting an online survey to determine what human resource topics are important to Nebraska’s farmers/ranchers and to learn what delivery methods (in person, online, etc.) are preferred. We would greatly appreciate it if you took a few minutes to complete the online survey at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/AgHRMangSurvey. The survey should take approximately 10 – 15 minutes to complete, you must be at least 19 years old to participate, and participation is entirely voluntary. If you have any questions regarding this questionnaire please feel free to contact me Jessica, (jjones12@unl.edu or 402-335- 3669).
Exchange student interested in sustainability
My name is Andrea Lundberg, and I work with a non-profit called the Aspect Foundation. As part of the State Department’s public diplomacy mission, we place exchange students with host families. I’m the local coordinator for the Lincoln/Omaha area. I was hoping you might know of a family who might be interested in hosting a young lady from Belgium, Nora. Nora is very active with an organization called Projet Comenius, which works on fair trade and sustainability initiatives. Hosts provide three meals a day and transportation to the local high school. Please feel free to call me at 402-499-9031 or email me with any questions! Below is a lInk to Nora’s profile:
Heritage Chickens
I am looking for heritage chicken producers in Nebraska that might be willing to sell me live birds that I can butcher myself. I am looking to buy young heritage birds but would be most interested in buying a mix of young and old birds. I live in Kearney and am either looking to process in Grand Island or near North Platte so if I can find a farmer in central Nebraska that would be optimal. Jed, yadidyamg@gmail.com
We're bringing local food from local farmers to chefs, restaurants, grocery stores, and more, but we need a better truck! We are at a critical turning point in our journey. We're currently renting a refrigerated reefer truck. But renting isn't practical. In order to continue this journey we need to get a better vehicle that will be able to serve more farmers, more restaurants and grocery stores and better our food system as a whole. The distribution problem hasn't been solved yet. And we're willing to put our energy, money and time into making it work. Farmers are calling us daily for help. Complete details, https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ 1183278462/bring-local-food- to-more-people-with-a- delivery-ve?ref=email
Grassfed Rising: Polishing the Soil-Grass-Consumer Connection
July 30 - August 1. Columbia, Missouri. The Grassfed Exchange presents this event to help producers grow in knowledge of the grassfed industry and in finishing cattle specifically. The conference includes one day of pasture walk tours at the ranches of Greg Judy and Luke Linnenbringer and two days full of presentations to help attendees improve their skills and operations. Speakers include Don Huber, Fred Provenza, Paul Brown, and others. http://www.grassfedexchange.com/
Monday, July 14, 2014
Weekly Events & Opportunities in Sustainable Farming & Foods
Young Farmer Night@ Darlin Reds
Monday, July 14th. Join us at The Darlin' Reds "satellite farm." You'll be able to see our huge cold frame, and our summer and fall plots. Darlin' Reds' headquarters is housed at Branched Oak Farm, but this Young Farmers Night will introduce you to our second growing area. Hope to see ya soon. Please bring a dish to share, and feel free to bring a beverage as well. Details and to rsvp, https://www.facebook.com/events/259415414249686/
July 17th. Omaha. Join the Nebraska Sustainable Agriculture Society as we take our Nebraska Young Farmer Nights to Upstream Brewing Company in the Old Market! We'll get a tour of the brewery and hear from head brewer Dallas about their passion in sourcing local ingredients and working with area farmers to create fantastic & unqiue livations. We'll also have farmers with the Nebraska Hop Growers Association on hand to talk about how they are changing the landscape of craft beer and local farms one hopyard at a time.
Urban Homesteading Workshop :: Soil Health and Compost
July 15th. 5:30pm. Omaha. Details, https://www.facebook.com/events/333751526789446/? ref_newsfeed_story_type= regular
Targeted Grazing Online Workshop: Choosing the Animal
July 17. Online. The Targeted Grazing Committee of the Society for Range Management offers an opportunity to learn the principles of targeted grazing to manage landscape in webinars held the third Thursday of each month in 2014. Online presentations and discussion will be led by the experts in the topic of targeted grazing. This session is led by Dr. Karen Launchbaugh, University of Idaho. http://www.rangelands.org/targetedgrazing/index. shtml
Legal and Financial Clinic
Thursday, July 17. Lexington. Ogallala. Call the Farm Hotline at 800-464-0258 to sign up.
Managing Biosecurity to Control Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea virus (PEDv)
Friday, July 18 at 1:30 pm CDT. The appearance of the Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus (PED) in North America presents significant challenges for manure applicators. Since the virus is primarily spread by fecal-oral contact and can survive in manure for extended periods of time, it is possible for the disease to be spread by any object that becomes contaminated with infected pig manure. A survey of manure applicators has been undertaken to ascertain how manure application practices, equipment, staff training and communication have changed as a result of the PED virus as well as learn about the challenges and solutions that applicators have endured and overcome. The results of this survey will be discussed. An application for continuing education credit for Certified Crop Advisors (CCAs) and members of the American Registry of Professional Animal Scientists (ARPAS) has been submitted. Presenters include:John Carney, Manitoba Livestock Manure Management Initiative, Dr. Lisa Becton, National Pork Board, Amy Schmidt - University of Nebraska - Lincoln. https://connect.extension.iastate.edu/lpelc
Seed Savers Exchange Annual Conference
July 18-20. Decorah, Iowa. This annual gathering features speakers, workshops, a seed swap, and networking opportunities.http://www.seedsavers.org/Education/2014- Conference/
Landowner Habitat Tour
Saturday, July 19. Wahoo. Lake Wanahoo Wildlife & Wildflower Walk. See NebraskaPF.com or call 308-850-8395
Great March for Climate Action
July 19th. Bradshaw. BOLD Nebraska Energy Barn. The Great March for Climate Action — a 3,000-mile cross-country trek on foot from L.A. to D.C. — will be traveling through Nebraska this summer, and you can meet the marchers and join their march for a day on Saturday, July 19. The stated goal of the march is to “change the hearts and minds of the American people, our elected leaders and people across the world to act now to address the climate crisis.” (If you have questions about the Great Climate March, contact local Nebraska organizer Anna Wishart at anna@climatemarch.org)
Omaha Gardens Tour
Saturday July 19th, 8am-3pm. Community Crops is excited to take you on a tour of some of Omaha's urban gardens! In collaboration with our friends from The Big Garden and Eastward Gardens we'll be stopping at four community gardens and learning from staff and gardeners about the sites. Crops will provide transportation to 12 attendees who register at the $20 level. Those wanting to provide their own transportation will receive a map and schedule to join us along the way. We plan to leave the Crops office at 8am July 19th and return to Lincoln around 3pm. Before leaving Omaha, we will stop at a great local restaurant for lunch! (Price of lunch not included in registration). Register Here, https://communitycrops.z2systems.com/np/clients/ communitycrops/ eventRegistration.jsp?event= 61&
Low-till/No-till Cropping Systems
July 21. Kansas City, Missouri. This workshop is part of the Growing Growers series addressing skills required to run a local farm. Workshops are geared toward beginner farmers, but all the classes offer great information and skill development for more experienced farmers as well.http://www.growinggrowers.org/workshops.html
Exchange student interested in sustainability
My name is Andrea Lundberg, and I work with a non-profit called the Aspect Foundation. As part of the State Department’s public diplomacy mission, we place exchange students with host families. I’m the local coordinator for the Lincoln/Omaha area. I was hoping you might know of a family who might be interested in hosting a young lady from Belgium, Nora. Nora is very active with an organization called Projet Comenius, which works on fair trade and sustainability initiatives. Hosts provide three meals a day and transportation to the local high school. Please feel free to call me at 402-499-9031 or email me with any questions! Below is a lInk to Nora’s profile:
Helper/Apprentice Sought
My awesome apprentice Jenn has given me notice that she intends to flee our fair state for the ski slopes and sugar maple forests of Vermont in a few short weeks. Accordingly, I will have an opening for a part time helper in the near future. General veg and herb production, harvesting and prepping produce for a CSA and for restaurant accounts. Special opportunity to gain experience growing greens in a shade house, and - as far as I know - the only place in Nebraska where this person can get experience in commercial herb production and organic greenhouse production. 20 minutes southwest of Lincoln. Please email simple resume and contact information to: gene@heartlandorganics.net.
Heritage Chickens
I am looking for heritage chicken producers in Nebraska that might be willing to sell me live birds that I can butcher myself. I am looking to buy young heritage birds but would be most interested in buying a mix of young and old birds. I live in Kearney and am either looking to process in Grand Island or near North Platte so if I can find a farmer in central Nebraska that would be optimal. Jed, yadidyamg@gmail.com
We're bringing local food from local farmers to chefs, restaurants, grocery stores, and more, but we need a better truck! We are at a critical turning point in our journey. We're currently renting a refrigerated reefer truck. But renting isn't practical. In order to continue this journey we need to get a better vehicle that will be able to serve more farmers, more restaurants and grocery stores and better our food system as a whole. The distribution problem hasn't been solved yet. And we're willing to put our energy, money and time into making it work. Farmers are calling us daily for help. Complete details, https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ 1183278462/bring-local-food- to-more-people-with-a- delivery-ve?ref=email
Tune-Up Your Farm Market Booth To Boost Sales Webinar
Tuesday, July 22 at 11:00 am. Link: https://connect.extension.iastate.edu/womeninag. Mid-Summer is a great time to change up your farm market booth displays to draw in more customers. Join University of Vermont Extension Community Economic Development Specialist Mary Peabody for practical tips on low-cost ways to create eye-catching displays that encourage sales. This 30-minute webinar starts at noon Eastern Time.
Energy Analysis: Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How?
July 24. Online. This free webinar is part of a series of energy webinars presented by the USDA NRCS East National Technology Support Center. http://www.conservationwebinars.net
Midwest Conference for Farmer Veterans
July 25-26. Des Moines, Iowa. Join other veterans for networking and learning about unique opportunities, programs, and jobs available to military veterans and service members who are farming, aspiring to farm, or seeking agricultural related careers. Day One of the conference will feature tours of diverse working farms and provide a chance to interact with other farmers and veterans. Day Two will focus on educational presentations and workshops led by agricultural experts, agency personnel, and veteran service providers. The conference is hosted by the Farmer Veteran Coalition of Iowa and Drake University. Support also is provided by the USDA and Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture. http://www.leopold.iastate.edu/news/ calendar/2014-07-25/midwest- conference-farmer-veterans
Grassfed Rising: Polishing the Soil-Grass-Consumer Connection
July 30 - August 1. Columbia, Missouri. The Grassfed Exchange presents this event to help producers grow in knowledge of the grassfed industry and in finishing cattle specifically. The conference includes one day of pasture walk tours at the ranches of Greg Judy and Luke Linnenbringer and two days full of presentations to help attendees improve their skills and operations. Speakers include Don Huber, Fred Provenza, Paul Brown, and others. http://www.grassfedexchange.com/
Monday, July 7, 2014
Weekly Events & Opportunities in Sustainable Farming & Foods
Farm Planning, Marketing and Management Online
July 7. Online. This online course from the University of Massachusetts is designed for students who foresee starting a farming operation in the future or who currently own/manage/work on one. The complexity of whole farm planning is covered in the course through agricultural business planning, organizational design, decision making, leadership and management (employees, systems and record keeping).http://sustfoodfarm.org/online-classes/farm- planning/
Managing for Soil Health when Raising Potatoes
July 8. Online. This free webinar is part of the Soil Health Webinar Series presented by NRCS. It will present a farmer's perspective on managing soil health. Colorado farmer Brendon Rockey will discuss how using a systems approach has improved soil health and biological activity of his soils. Raising 30 varieties of potatoes, his farming system includes the use of green manures, multi-species cover crops, and compost balanced with inorganic materials. This webinar will provide participants an opportunity to hear how soil health can be improved and soil functions enhanced even when raising crops that require a lot of soil disturbance for harvest. http://conservationwebinars.net/
Estimated Hops Production Costs and Returns Webinar
July 10. Purdue Extension is offering opportunities to learn about opportunities and risks for farmers new to producing hops or considering getting started in it as the craft brewing industry continues to grow. This free, one-hour webinar focuses on the economics of hops. https://extension.purdue.edu/Pages/article.aspx?intItemID= 5450
Landowner Habitat Tour
Thursday, July 10. Tekamah. Prairie & Wetland Restoration in Eastern Nebraska. See NebraskaPF.com or call 308-850-8395
Waterwise Landscapes
12pm or 5:30pm on July 10th in Lincoln on the campus of UNL. Community Landscape Specialist Christina Hoyt has designed waterwise projects all across Nebraska. This presentation will be aimed at helping homeowners create and manage more efficient and resilient landscapes. It is part of a brown bag series on all things green sponsored by the Nebraska Statewide Arboretum, UNL Department of Agronomy/Horticulture, UNL Garden Friends and Friends of Maxwell Arboretum. The noon presentation will be repeated later that day at 5:30 p.m. Event sponsors hope to bring together a community of on- and off-campus people who care about the environment. There will be time for discussion at each session and, when weather permits, time to walk through the campus landscape. Contact Justin Evertson 402-472-5045 jevertson1@unl.edu
Common Soil: Ask the Experts
July 12th. Benson Branch Library, Omaha. Questions about your garden? Are your tomatoes not growing right? Squash has a problem? Come ask the experts! https://www.facebook.com/events/405387456266600/
Grain Place Tour
July 12. 8 a.m. Marquette. This seminar is for anyone interested in organic farming, the organic food industry, and sustainable agriculture in general. Participants are guided by farm manager Mike Herman on a tour of the farm, learning and sharing ideas about various organic growing practices. Grain Place Foods President Dave Vetter leads the tour through the plant, showing how all the various certified organic grains and seeds are processed and packaged. http://grainplacefoods.com/in-the- news/grain-place-news/latest- news/2014-farm-tour-summer- seminar/
Helper/Apprentice Sought
My awesome apprentice Jenn has given me notice that she intends to flee our fair state for the ski slopes and sugar maple forests of Vermont in a few short weeks. Accordingly, I will have an opening for a part time helper in the near future. General veg and herb production, harvesting and prepping produce for a CSA and for restaurant accounts. Special opportunity to gain experience growing greens in a shade house, and - as far as I know - the only place in Nebraska where this person can get experience in commercial herb production and organic greenhouse production. 20 minutes southwest of Lincoln. Please email simple resume and contact information to: gene@heartlandorganics.net.
Ducks for Sale
I have 6 khaki campbell hens that are about a year old that are laying consistently and 6 welsh harlequin hens and 1 drake from this year's hatch. $12 ea, 4 or more $10 ea. I will be coming to Lincoln Friday late afternoon and could bring them with me. Thanks, Robert. lnkrob@gmail.com
I am looking for heritage chicken producers in Nebraska that might be willing to sell me live birds that I can butcher myself. I am looking to buy young heritage birds but would be most interested in buying a mix of young and old birds. I live in Kearney and am either looking to process in Grand Island or near North Platte so if I can find a farmer in central Nebraska that would be optimal. Jed, yadidyamg@gmail.com
Kickstarter for Local Food Distribution and Delivery Service in Iowa and Nebraska
We're bringing local food from local farmers to chefs, restaurants, grocery stores, and more, but we need a better truck! We are at a critical turning point in our journey. We're currently renting a refrigerated reefer truck. But renting isn't practical. In order to continue this journey we need to get a better vehicle that will be able to serve more farmers, more restaurants and grocery stores and better our food system as a whole. The distribution problem hasn't been solved yet. And we're willing to put our energy, money and time into making it work. Farmers are calling us daily for help. Complete details, https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ 1183278462/bring-local-food- to-more-people-with-a- delivery-ve?ref=email
Targeted Grazing Online Workshop: Choosing the Animal
July 17. Online. The Targeted Grazing Committee of the Society for Range Management offers an opportunity to learn the principles of targeted grazing to manage landscape in webinars held the third Thursday of each month in 2014. Online presentations and discussion will be led by the experts in the topic of targeted grazing. This session is led by Dr. Karen Launchbaugh, University of Idaho.http://www.rangelands.org/targetedgrazing/index.shtml
Seed Savers Exchange Annual Conference
July 18-20. Decorah, Iowa. This annual gathering features speakers, workshops, a seed swap, and networking opportunities.http://www.seedsavers.org/Education/2014-Conference/
Omaha Gardens Tour
Saturday July 19th, 8am-3pm. Community Crops is excited to take you on a tour of some of Omaha's urban gardens! In collaboration with our friends from The Big Garden and Eastward Gardens we'll be stopping at four community gardens and learning from staff and gardeners about the sites. Crops will provide transportation to 12 attendees who register at the $20 level. Those wanting to provide their own transportation will receive a map and schedule to join us along the way. We plan to leave the Crops office at 8am July 19th and return to Lincoln around 3pm. Before leaving Omaha, we will stop at a great local restaurant for lunch! (Price of lunch not included in registration). Register Here, https://communitycrops.z2systems.com/np/clients/ communitycrops/ eventRegistration.jsp?event= 61&
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